Sunday, May 3, 2015

Service Reflection

·         The organization I volunteered with is Habitat for Humanity.  Habitats mission statement is to work to put God’s love in action, by bringing people together building homes, community and hope.  They fulfill their mission by working with volunteers and making houses for families that would not be able to afford one without the help of Habitat. Habitat considers themselves to be a hand up not a hand out, they do not just give the houses away, the families need to put money towards it and many hours of work as well.  Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1976 and has built more than 225,000 houses worldwide, changing more than one million lives.


·         This experience took place during spring break, we left Sunday morning March 1st and came back Saturday March 7th.  The experience took place in Cookeville Tennessee.

·         Along with myself eleven other college students attended this trip with me.  We went through the ministry program LUMINATE here on campus, there were five total trips that were held during this time.  They wanted to split friends up so we could build community with the others on our trip, so going into this trip I did not know the other eleven participants; however, as the week went on we became very close and  shared many memories together.  My friends and those who I was really comfortable with were not there.

·         While there we did many different projects.  We put insolation in the basement, we then put the floor beams up, and then the floor boards.  We also worked in the warehouse making shelves and painting trim.  Spring break is a time when many go on vacation and use the week to relax and catch up on sleep. By spending our spring break serving, we communicated that we put others needs before ourselves.

·         We spent most of the week working outside and it was very cold during the week, not to mention all of the mud.  One would assume that there would be a lot of complaining by the college kids; however, everyone knew this situation was not ideal but we all sucked it up and worked to get the tasks done. By all working together we ended up having a lot of fun and some even used the mud as war paint.

·         One positive interaction I had during this experience was when I met the mom and son who would be receiving the house we were working on.  This was an awesome experience because after talking with the mom I realized just how much she deserved this house, and the next day when I was working on the house it made me want to work even harder because I wanted it all to be perfect for them. 

·         From volunteering with Habitat I learned how to use a lot of new tools like the nail gun, but I also learned the reality of homelessness. After talking with different families that have or soon would be receiving their house I saw how it can happen to anyone.  One woman we met had her own house and a nice job, but then she had a stroke and lost her job which led to losing her house.  Another woman we met was a stay at home mom with two kids and her husband had a nice job providing for the family; unfortunately, the husband died in a car accident and they lost their house.  Those are just two examples of how unexpected and unfortunate occurrences led to homelessness.  I would definitely participate in Habitat again, it was a very fun week were I learned a lot of new skills as well as building great community.