Sunday, February 1, 2015

Passage-Based Freewrite-MLK Birmingham Jail

"We have gone through all of these steps in Birmingham...Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States"

Letter From Birmingham City Jail, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

MLK starts off by naming four basic steps to complete when participating in a non-violent campaign.  He states they have completed all four of them and still nothing has changed.  This is very important to the text as a whole because non-violence is key to what MLK is trying to do, he wants to create equality between blacks and whites but in a peaceful way. By going to the most segregated place in the United States and not protesting in a violent way makes a bigger impact on others.  It is very common for protestors actions to become very violent, but by MLK keeping his campaign non-violent many become aware of the campaign because it is out of the ordinary.  It becomes clear to others that MLK is striving for equality, and doesn't want to harm anyone when achieving it.

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